Monday, October 13, 2008

A Second Walk and a Second Italian Cheeseburger

Tonight was another night of walking and talking. As we made our way west along Main Street I talked about my recent canoe trip in Minnesota, and Khalil talked about difficulties between the girls and boys at school, and of course about one of his favorite subjects: video games. Suddenly I recognized the neighborhood: we were in Orange, just around the corner from my mechanic. Khalil was impressed that we'd walked that far. We reversed course and went to Roberto's, again splitting an Italian Cheeseburger. It was already becoming a habit.

For dessert we got ice cream at Rita's. I walked Khalil home, again listening as he talked about some challenges he'd faced at school. I grew up in farming country, so I never faced the challenges he has to face. I'm glad that Khalil feels that he can confide in me, and I hope that the advice I gave him will be useful.

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